Friday, 6 June 2008

Runny noses, and a toy giraffe

Oh Boy, our house has been quaranteened again, yes Darcy has caught a cold, the kind where she sits and whimpers, and lets snot run down one nostril, before wiping it across her face..... nice !! oh and she has nappy rash !!

Yep, last nite was a barnstormer, Darcy you best not get too used to sleeping in our bed, the big cot is coming into our room for you. you can spread out, ( as much as a grow bag allows )!!

mind you we are proud of you, my sister bought her a rocking Giraffe, which Darcy likes, but was unsure what to do with, until we rocked her on it, and she kinda realised it had the action of a swing !!, now she rocks by herself, and loves it !!

situation on the car radio, well i can't afford to get a new radio, or fix it, so as I shopped in a supermarket at 6.30 before work i bought a battery radio for the car !! £8 you can't go wrong ! and the reception is great too !!!

Hopefully the weather will hold, the house needs another lick of paint !! Looks like another busy weekend...

Hope you all have a decent weekend too !!

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Neden, money, cars...

The mystery of Miden , Niden, Neden has been solved !!

Jayne has a 1950's Italian doll, which Darcy likes to look at, and hold, when we change her nappy, and she calls her, Neden !! Ta-da !!

Last nite I thought i'd put some effort into making Darcy some food, so i made stew, Darcy's with "baby stock" seperate to mine and Jayne's...
Darcy was so not impressed by this, though after 30 minutes, she managed to eat more than half a bowl. it was a case of.. " I want daddy's food " though it looked the same ! .... sometimes you just can not win !!

The long running debate, of whether we get to keep the Sky Tv is still running !! I see some benifits, but really we need to get some kind of broadband deal.... for this i need an injection of cash, and what with the car not getting any younger , and the rising prices of fuel lately, things need to be thought out. things can not continue as they are, there has to be changes somewhere along the lines, Plus the car radio has died this week, i can not pick up any FM radio, so it is back to the retro tape player........ oh boy the week just keeps amazing me !!

On a lighter note the Dahlia's are getting stronger and growing fast ! photo's to follow !!

back to the money thinking !

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

I am a blog-a-holic, and my name is....

Dear Me,

I have now spent 2 days trying to get this page up and running, sorry crawling, with help from others, ( thanks to Veronica ) etc, and it feels like i am starting over! it is something that i realise must occur, it hurts me, to start over, i had a vibe going, a good vibe, now it feels like i am a very little fish in a gulf stream, ( Nemo in Finding Nemo ! )

Darcy is a star, a shining star in my world, that never diminishes, or wanes, she never ceases to amaze me, though she is 1 now, she learns a new skill every day, sometimes i wish i could learn a new skill every day, a little something new, to carry with me, to the next day, to aid me in my quest, " what is my quest ?? " life and answers i guess !! Happiness ?? i d o not know. I work to live , not live to work !! that i realise !!

Darcy now sings Miden, Niden Neden, what does this mean, i say to her..... " where is the Niden Neden?? " and she just points in a general 180 degrees range !!! what is is ?? oh well i suppose we well find out in due course !!

more witterings, and thoughts tomorrow i guess, just need to find some people to read this !!

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

knock those moth balls off !!!

Due to work having stopped access to a popular social website, to which i blog, i have returned to this site.
The urge to blog is immense.

Darcy was one last Thursday. ONE I can not believe that the year has passed so quickly, she has changed so much so fast, that i have had this strange sense of my own mortality since she was born, and the need to take photos, store memories, etc etc, time is short, and passes by faster as we get older.

I had family down for 4 days, and the need to cater for them, and then the extra 14 people for darcy's party proved pretty stressful, as it happened all passed off pretty well,

Congrats to Jayne for doing the Race for Life on Sunday, however she got food poisoning afterwards from some dodgy chicken.... she is getting better now.

If anyone knows the translation for Niden Neden from baby language to english, please let me know, all Darcy sings at the moment is Niden Neden Niden Neden, over and over again ....

It's good to blog again !