Friday, 27 June 2008

coming down again !

It has been 2 weeks of strangness, a kind of rollercoaster that i have been on, and it has been tough to get off, but if I do not come off, sometimes if feels like i will crash !

Darcy's Op, last week sent my stress levels through the roof, though at the time, you deal with it... the before... and after are the worst bits, time to think about it... and the what if, looking back ! ?

I had a scan this week also, glad that was over, all ok !
since hitting 30 the sense of mortality has really hit me, this has been heightened by the birth of darcy and all the amazing things she learns and does,

I need to remember that the glass is half full, not half empty , life is good, i must remember this, move on and let the good times roll !!

Monday, 23 June 2008

Phew !

What a week !!
It is scary how many thoughts can swill around your mind, especially when all you can do is wait.
Darcy had her heart op, last wednesday, and thankfully it went very well, we took her home on thursday evening ! she was like the new super improved version !!
Having children has focused my mind, on my own mortality, and the need , to stop dwelling on the past... to try and be a more patient person, and also to remember that the needs of others do have to come first very often..... when my daughter had surgery it also focussed me into thinking my worries were a little less important in the big sceme of things !

As we left her on the operating theatre ( the doctors like parents to bring their kids to the theatre room , ) I couldn't bring myself to kiss her bye, I am partially ashamed at this, and partially pleased, because i knew she would be alright, signing the consent forms was hard enough !!

but the differnece in her now is amazing, she had the tests on thursday, and was realeased later that day, her appertite has gone through the roof, she is more inquisative, talkative, playfull, and crawls faster than ever !!! the new improved Darcy !!

I am astounded by her, I truly am