Monday 11 August 2008

new clutch, new eyes.

What with working with very small drawings at work my eyes are now hurting..

To compound this, the car was playing up seriously on Friday,

Ever just been driving along and you miss a gear ??

yep it happens i know...

but when all the gears start to stick, and rattling comes from the engine, and when reversing, sounds like stamping on gravel.... you kinda know that something is wrong !!

as it happens my clutch needed replacing, i managed to get 95,000 out of it, which is not too bad i suppose.. but the sting in the tail was the £300,
mind you i got a good deal, and got it fixed in the same day,

the car feels like a new car now, and the biting point is non existant, but in a way this is good, as it causes me to drive a little slower,

it is all good ..


Birdie said...

oooo car problems - yuck! I'm sorry! Do we get to see any drawings? Do you draw animations or plans or what? I should go read your about me again maybe...

Stephen Baker said...

That's the problem with us working so far away from home is that we have to pay extra to get our cars fixed straight away.