Monday, 11 August 2008

new words !!

this weekend has been full of new Darcy words..!!

We now have "climb" "knee" "tongue away"

It is getting to be the case where we have to be careful what we say in the house, as darcy has now got a near photographic hearing ability !!! she can repeats words at random, obviously a little more clever than first thought !!


Dry Bones said...

You know girls! One day you'll be happy she's being quiet! K, what's "tongue away" mean??

Dry Bones said...

oopsy I'm logged in as my son! It's really BIRDIE!!

Birdie said...

there we go *laugh*

Gareth said...

tongue away, because she has a habit of sticking her tongue out all the time, i told her to "put her tongue away " she copied it........ and stuck her tongue out again !! you cant win I guess !!

Stephen Baker said...

You will have to be careful because she will be saying "Daddy said you are a bitch"

It will happen.

Pam said...

well, you know, this is how babies learn their listening to us. i admit to doing something that was a no-no. actually it was my ex's fault, too..but we said a particular swear word. the real bad day mini-me (my oldest daughter who's 11 now)got mad at us and she said that very bad word. that's when we realized we had to be VERY careful LOL my son, who is 21 now, had a very extensive vocab when he was young due to the fact that he pretty much grew up around all adults. heck, he has words he uses now that i have to ask him what they mean cuz he's gotten smarter than me! LOL