Thursday 25 September 2008

SO the reason for such a gap in my correspondence??

Probably the fact that I have nearly had it with social web pages ! whether I bring too much expectation to the social table? Maybe I am willing to invest too much time and effort? Whether perhaps I expect others to put in, what I try to ?? It is a drug !

I am glad for the experience of social websites, I have met some fantastic people in many many far flung places, but however we look at it, someone commenting on your page is not a “friend” . real life interaction is needed, and perhaps this is what I have missed, For technology and work reasons, I had to stop using a very popular site, I am still bitter about that but in the great scheme of things, does it matter ?? well probably not. It is the letting go that is hard. “Hi my name is Gareth, and I am a social website-aholic. ! I am faced with the real decision of leaving my current site now, again I thought it would put a lot of traffic through to my blog, but no. I know this has been other peoples experience too, and again I say my reason for blogging is not the attention, but at the end of the day, everybody likes comments, and a little feedback , right?? That is just human nature ! To be able to through words out into the air, and letting them be caught by someone, somewhere, holds a little mystery.

I have known good people and shared experiences, who too have been become lost in the drug of these websites, some still blog, Jim thanks again for your experiences, and stories, others have given up their habit because they realised family is something stronger, than being on line all the time, I am reaching the end of my struggle I think, clarity is coming,

Blogging is different though I feel , this is something that I want to continue, whether those 4 subscribers, to my blog actually read it, I do not know.I think the expereince of blogging changes as you do it! what started out as a laugh, was also easy, suddenly things got serious, and the fun stopped, i guess it is keeping a happy balance, we shall see !!

for now i have a new template, we shall see whether there is a new blogging me !!

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