Monday, 13 October 2008

M.M.R jab

3 little letters that have not struck me with fear, until now !!

I do not pretend to know very much about this subject but,I have always thought that this was essential for Darcy, my sister had measles very badly as a child, and I know someone else who went deaf through having measles, so I figure that the MMR is a good thing , right??

The only study ( i think ) in the U.K was only done on about 100 people, and there were a lot of other factors involved in the case, but there is now another ground swell of anti- MMR in America, Thanks for this as Darcy was due to have it tomorrow, ( 3 months late, due to her surgery , and then 3 colds on the trot !! )

All I want to do is the best by my daughter, the choices we make can have the biggest impacts possible on her life, If we give it her, and she suffers from Autism, I would not forgive myself..... But if I did not give it her, and she lost her hearing , after having measles ( which is now on the increase in Britain) I again, would not forgive myself !!

This is another fork in the parenting road !!


Stephen Baker said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stephen Baker said...

By the way this is the only picture of me smiling that I have so I thought I would use it as my profile picture.

Stephen Baker said...

I left a comment about this on your myspace blog.

In case you are wondering about the deleted comment, left the wrong comment on the wrong blog.