Tuesday, 30 October 2007


Yesterday I was sad.
I stood in the rain
For about 15 minutes
I thought that the water
Would wash my
Worries away.

I got wet!!

Sometimes you need a little rain!


Veronica Foale said...

I didn't know you had a new blog! Maybe I should go check my Myspace blogs hey.

Hi! *waves*

I love the rain.

imaginary binky said...

Rain is nice and cleansing sometimes. Other times, it just gets you wet and your socks smell funky.

I hope the sadness has gone. A big hug to you, sir.

Stephen Baker said...

The last time I stood in the rain was my last day at my old job, I was saying goodbye to my friend and she started crying so I give her a hug and it started raining. It was really cinematic.

Lotus (Sarcastic Mom) said...

I love standing in the rain. Always.