Wednesday 31 October 2007

random radio themes today

The radio this morning had two very random lines of discussion…

Firstly why can British people have a good stab, at doing an American accent, yet Americans can not do a British accent?? (Random) this story was backed up with live phones calls to people in Illinois (why there I do not know) to test the theory. There was varying degrees of success.

Secondly… Memories of childhood.

I suddenly thought of the soda stream?? Why I do not know, but I do remember the day that our family pur – chased this (then wonderful invention)!! Not the deluxe version mind, just the standard.

For years before this I remember my dad shaking a water flask, with a small gas cylinder to make soda water, (this was a treat to have on Sunday’s) Fizzy orange never tasted so good!!

So when the soda stream arrived there was much excitement as you can imagine!! (Trying to sneak on extra squeeze of gas into the water bottle!) , and finding the bottles nearly exploded!! Ha-ha, and who tried to add plain tap water to the cordials to see if they tasted the same!! )

Guilty as charged on all counts!

So today’s random tasks are as follows...
1) If you British, try to do and American accent.
2) If you are American try to do a British accent
3) In honour of the Soda stream, go dig it out and see if it still works, and marvel at the ingenuity of how we used to get fizzy drinks, without going out and buying g a can!!


Stephen Baker said...

I can do a good Deep South accent. When people do Welsh accents they start to sound like they are from India.

imaginary binky said...

You are blowing my mind with this soda stream thingy. Never heard of it. I was raised in a box.

So, I take offense (not really) at the implication that Americans cannot do a British accent. Why did your people hire Rene Zellweger to play Bridget Jones? Why are American actresses chosen so often to play British roles? And how can you question my Cockney? Haha.

If you remember, I posted a long time ago about my basement-level dream of doing an impressionist show in Vegas of lesser-known celebrities. The Brit accent is one I do. Michael Caine is a favorite, along with a few others. I just started a South African one after watching "Blood Diamond."

Do not challenge me, Ninja Warrior!


Veronica Foale said...

Nothing about Australian accents? I have yet to hear a fake Aussie accent that doesn't sound fake.

We don't all say G'daaaaaay maaaaate.

Soda stream? I have seen them in the supermarkets, but have never used one.

Lotus (Sarcastic Mom) said...

Haha, we had one of those growing up... best I can do now is the diet coke in the fridge.

I can't do a British accent well, but I can burp talk. So there.