Thursday 1 November 2007

Aint life great....

Jayne took her 97 year old grand dad shopping on Tuesday.
His favourite clothes shop is closing
And he wanted to buy a new suit in the sale!
He ended up with 2 new jackets,
Which he was very proud of.
One of the jackets is to wear now through the winter,
The other is for next year,
As he is planning next years summer wardrobe.
What a fantastic out look to have on life!!


Stephen Baker said...

We are just over a quarter of his age and we don't plan that far ahead.

jayne said...

yeah my greandad is fab, last year he told me that he thought Westlife were a good group..not to everyones taste but at least they are top of the charts! They also said on the news today that from recent research most people will live on average 5 years older than their therefore my mother will live to at least 102, me 107 and Darcy 112, gareth make sure you never run out of money we will all be shopping until that age!!!

Lotus (Sarcastic Mom) said...

What a sweet story.

lmao @ Jayne's comment....