Thursday, 1 November 2007

new tricks and crazy baby songs !!

Saturday afternoon
Darcy is playing up..
She is grouchy !

She is not happy on her play mat
She is not happy being held
She is not happy sitting being read to
She is not happy being fed.
Not even her favourite “fuzzy bee” book can keep her quiet!!

The only thing that works is to hold her
In the air, so she is standing up.
Then singing, the theme from The Pink Panther
Whilst she air walks up my stomach !!
NO… REALLY !!! this works, but you can’t keep doing it for hours !

Another favourite song of hers ( she laughs… with me.. I think, or is it at me ??? ) Is the Tiger song..

“Darcy is a Tiger.
She is sometimes a spider.
She has 2 arms
She has 2 legs
And a pretty head !”

Yep it makes no sense at all ! I suspect she knows this !!

Darcy’s new trick this week is when you hold her on your shoulder, she moves her head to your other shoulder, swiping her now teething very dribbling chin across my face !!

She can also roll, from her back to her stomach using 1 leg as a counter weight if she gets stuck on the arm trapped underneath her !!

All these are life skills, which will stand her well in later life, I’m sure.


Stephen Baker said...

Dribbling over somebody and flat on their back, Darcy is sounding like Lloydy on a Saturday night.

jayne said...

To hear Gareth singing "Darcy is a Spider" is fab!I think that we should get him to go to karioke on a Thursday and show us his skills of song writing and preforming!

Veronica Foale said...

That is so cute!

The things we do as parents to keep our children happy :)

Lotus (Sarcastic Mom) said...

Hey, when you get tired of singing the song, do what I do...

Give her some whiskey in her bottle and put her in the closet.

That gives you a couple hours rest.